Thursday, April 18, 2013

Finished projects

                                             I think I am finally starting to get my Etsy mojo back. It has taken some time, but I think I am finding some inspiration here and there. Here are a couple of projects I finished and will hopefully get them listed in my Etsy shop soon. Oh yeah, I have to return from my "vacation" on Etsy first. I guess these could be considered make overs too.  I re purposed some thrift store finds into some cute little cupcake signs. Well, I think they are cute. Check out the befores:

                                         As beautiful as they were before, I do believe they look a tad better after. Some sanding, a coat or two of paint, and a faux cupcake added on is just what they needed. It's a good start. I need to really get some motivation and get some more things completed so I can "re-open" my shop.

                                                   Hopefully I will get the motivation I need to get a few lot more done this week! Wish me luck!  Have a sweet day!



  1. I love the cupcake signs! Very cute

  2. Thank you so much! Thanks for ALL of your nice comments, I really appreciate it!

  3. What a good idea to expand on your cupcake business! I find when I list even 1 thing a day - mid day or early evening seems to be best - I usually have a sale.

    I'm thinking they check out the new thing and then maybe see something else since it usually isn't the new thing that sells, if that makes sense to you!

    1. I really need to get listing again. I have wondered what time of day would be best. Thank you. That's a good idea to list 1 thing a day over several days rather than all in one day. Thank you!
